A Fantasy Faire Thank You for 2016

Crom Dubh Rides to Victory in FF Serenity

FantasyFaire2016 ended last Sunday: it raised almost eight million Lindens (that’s more than US$30,000) for Relay-For-Life and the fight against cancer. 

This amazing number only happened because people cared enough to volunteer hundreds of hours of time to create content which drew players from all of Second Life.  

This year, NeoVictoria sponsored the Serenity SIM and produced a new roleplay cycle.  We’re taking a moment to publicly thank the people in our community who worked so hard to make “The Sidhe and the Soul-Eater” such a  spectacular success!

  • Studio Yue stayed up late too many nights, making the machinimas that tracked our roleplay in almost real-time.  Watch all of them here.  This is the third year they have made these really special chronicles of the story!  [And, they also made some lovely steampunky Relay-for-Life gifts.]
  • JulianEastman brought a sense of whimsy to Sir Karl Twinewood, the Sidhe Automaton, which made the loss of that character even more heartbreaking.
  • LurkingNightTerror took the idea of the mythological dullagan to make their Crom Dubh a formidable soul-caster within the confines of our storyworld.  It is always wonderful to watch people build the lore!
  • thefireoflife Resident as the Soul-Eater developed a very powerful, very frightening character that was amazing to roleplay with.  “She was greeted by his voice …broken whispers layered one over another …sickeningly sweet, nearly alluring, but for the taunts it made …the promising threats of what it could do to her body and her spirit.”
  • Hmmmph Stenvaag created a special edition of the NeoLondon Times, so we had an in-character prop to give to faire-goers during our time in Serenity.  If you haven’t read it, here’s the link.
  • Jhaesoph Foxdale made the shadow-imp avatar; these were great roleplay foils and one of our Relay-for-Life gifts, so any of the fairegoers could join the fun!
  • Tarquin Evermore crafted a beautiful mesh & prim fantasy skirt, fit for a steampunk queen, as one our Relay-for-Life gift.
  • Fianah Mistwood created spectacular “mirrors”  for each of the races in our storyworld; they were the highlight of the information section in our build in Serenity!
Our Roleplay Cycle for Fantasy Faire 2016

And, all of these players joined in the roleplays, that became the movies, that was “The Sidhe and the Soul-Eater“:

  • abigalekirin Resident as Kotter Keen;
  • Akai Scorpio as Doctor Seito Akai;
  • AlyssTheMenace Resident as Prelate Leonora Blackmore;
  • Asil Ares as a shadow-imp;
  • Asil Karu as Healer Asil Karu and Cerridwen~in~chains;
  • Belial Darwinian as Belial (an agent of Chaos);
  • GhostFacedKiller Resident as a shadow-imp;
  • Hmmmph Stenvaag as a shadow-imp;
  • Jhaesoph Foxdale as Toymaker Foxdale;
  • JulianEastman as Sir Karl Twinewood (the Sidhe automaton);
  • LucindaJaneStrathmore Resident as Lucinda Strathmore;
  • LurkingNightTerror Resident as Crom Dubh;
  • MadMechaMessiah Resident as Rampart Haskell Faustus;
  • Marchioness Resident as Marchioness Honoria Wallingford;
  • Ogawa Resident as Theodore Wraithwood;
  • peacelynxtree Resident as Lynx Tree and several shadow-imps;
  • SteampunkGreis Resident as Greis Ironhart;
  • Tarquin Evermore as Samuel Bellamy and several shadow-imps;
  • thefireoflife Resident as the Soul-Eater;
  • Treyhem Whitfield as Captain Treyhem Sleipnerson;
  • ValentineAdler Resident as Auditor Valentine ‘Val’ Adler; and
  • Xiuhcohtl Balazic as Anya “Ginger” Greer.

Congratulations everyone for a job well done; you are some of the most generous people I have known; you make The NeoVictoria Project one of the best roleplay environment in Second Life!

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