A Fantasy Faire Thank You for 2020


Screenshot of fountain in Queensgarden
Investigating a fountain in the charming FF Queensgarden

FantasyFaire2020 ended May 10th: It raised L$18,603,882!  That’s US$74,415! for Relay for Life and the fight against cancer.

This amazing number only happened because people cared enough to volunteer hundreds of hours to create content which drew players from all of Second Life.

This year, NeoVictoria sponsored the Queensgarden SIM (the site of this year’s floral-themed quest!), and hosted a series of Meet-and-Greets in Auxentios’ Pass.  We’re taking a moment to publicly thank the people in our community who worked so hard to make this year’s events such a success!

  • MadMechaMessiah, who held a lively class on cross-gender roleplay and for playing such a caddish part in the “Dating Game improv skits!
  • Asil Ares, who hosted Meet-and-Greets on April 24th, 29th, and 30th!
  • Jhaesoph Foxdale, who hosted Meet-and-Greets on April 28th and May 4th!
  • Sandi Grut, for being so entertaining to watch during our sample roleplay “Dating Game” improv skits!
  • Hmmmph Stenvaag for coming up with the idea of the “Dating Game skits in the first place!
  • TheOtherThing for donating the lovely lights to be sold at our RFL donation vendors!
  • AvaDelaney for contributing the splendid barrels to our little tavern/improv theater!
  • Stevie Basevi for not only shouting out our Meet-and-Greets to the Fantasy Faire groups, but for organizing all the roleplay events and classes during the Faire, and being on hand to handle land issues that cropped up!
The NeoVictoria Roleplay Group at Auxentios Pass
The bar contributed to the jovial atmosphere

We would also like to show our thanks to all our members who showed up regularly to keep things lively.

    • Tarquin Evermore
    • Heather Melune

Congratulation everyone on a job well done; you are some of the most generous people I have known; you make The NeoVictoria Project one of the best roleplay environments in Second Life!

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