Tag Archives: Development

Roadmaps and things under construction.

Skyplatforms in NeoVictoria SIM

We Have Many Levels

The simulations in Second Life reach almost 5,000 meters.  Since the SL viewer has a maximum draw distance of 512 meters, that gives makers the option to create skyplatforms.  Last year, the Lab added the ability to change the environmental settings at different elevations.  For the project,  that meant that we were able to create new planets at different elevations, or new locations to our characters’ homeworld of planet NeoVictoria.

Below are the current platforms and a little about each location.  All are 360-degree panorama (equirectangular) snapshots were taken using  SL Viewer – Second Life Project 360 Capture.

The pictures are currently hosted on the Flickr platform because it has the ability to support the 360-degree effect.  Click the photo to open a new tab that allows an interactive engagement.

The Visitor Center and Skymall

Here are the first places players visit when they teleport to the estate.  It’s out-of-character (OOC) and offers information on what folks need to begin roleplaying with us.

NeoVictoria Skymall

The Port City of NeoLondon [the landlevel]

This is the main roleplay area.  We have made a lot of additions to create the effect of a port city surrounded by rolling hills.  On this planet, the light is cast by the moon.  It is a twilight world.  The NeoVictoria SIM has free character rentals and the Machinima SIM has pay-for rentals.

NeoLondon, 360 degree

NeoLondon Junkyard and Skyship Port

This is the shipyard, Skyport, and junkyard for NeoLondon.

NeoLondon Junkyard [NeoVictoria SIM]

NeoLondon Fairgrounds and Forest

A favorite place to celebrate the solstices, this location also has extensive forests, secret caves, and sacred trees.

NeoLondon Fairegrounds [NeoVictoria SIM]

Letwick, Planet NeoEdinburgh

Colonized by people from the highlands of Scotland on Old Earth, NeoEdinburgh is an ocean world with few large landmasses, but thousands of tiny islands.

Letwick, NeoEdinburgh [NeoVictoria SIM]

Strand War Memorial, Planet Greenwell

This planet was almost completely destroyed at the end of the Strand War. This sector of the city has been left as it was at the end of the war and now acts as a museum and memorial to the struggle.

Planet Greenwell [NeoVictoria SIM]

A New Roleplay Tool!

Since April 2013, we’ve used a roleplay tool, created by jade2022 kaligawa.  It was a wonderful tool-set when we transitioned away from the Community Combat System (CCS), and really helped the project to thrive.  However, in  April 2015, the developer had to take their personal server off-line; the loss of the server meant some of the admin functions stopped working.  It became clear a tool that worked entirely within SL was needed.

Announcing the NeoVictoria Roleplay Tool (NRT)!

We’ve developed a simple free wearable object called the “NeoVictoria Roleplay Tool (NRT)” which allows the player to create unique names for their characters, offers chat-options in terms of what other players can see when that character speaks, and includes a variety of dice.

Touch this sign in-world for your free copy

This tool was developed by the members of the NeoVictoria Roleplay Group and scripted by Jhaesoph Foxdale.  The object is copy/transfer, and may be acquired by touching the many giver-objects we have staged throughout the Skymall on Machinima SIM, and the Visitor Center on NeoVictoria SIM.

Here’s the link to the complete User’s Guide.


A Repost of “The User’s Guide to Steampunk”

Back in 2008, the GOGBOT Festival focused on Steampunk, and for their website Bruce Sterling wrote a landmark thought-piece on what Steampunk is.

Poster from the 2008 GOGBOT Event

That post very much informed Asil’s thinking, when they were developing The NeoVictoria Project. Here’s one of their favorite sections:

“Frankly, the heaviest guys in the steampunk scene are not really all that into “steam.” Instead, they are into punk. Specifically, punk’s do-it-yourself aspects and its determination to take the means of production away from big, mind-deadening companies who want to package and sell shrink-wrapped cultural product.”

GOGBOT recently took their 2008 site off-line, which was a loss to the project, as we would direct people to that essay when they asked us “what kind of Steampunk” we believed in. So, we reached out to Professor Sterling for permission to re-post it here.  And, very graciously, he gave us the nod.  Thank you, Professor!

We have the repost set as a page on the main side-bar of this site.  Here’s the direct link: http://neovictoria.tv/main/steampunk/the-users-guide-to-steampunk/. If you’ve never read it, this is your chance. If it’s been awhile, enjoy a re-read.  We’ll leave you with a final quote:

The past is a kind of future that has already happened.

Cyril Wermers’ photo of ‘The Time Cruiser’ from GOGBOT 2008.

The Public Website

Managing an online presence is never static.  Over the years, we’ve done some major redesigns, including separating our private community site from our public Internet presence.  We had been using an aggregator for the public site, but found it lacked the dynamism the project required, so last year, we began building this new public website using the WordPress platform.

We’ve published enough information now, that it’s ready to represent! [There’s still lots that need to be added, like all the race information and planet descriptions and …the list goes on, but we won’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, so please follow us, if you want alerts.]

Flavors Site
Goodbye Flavors.me; it was nice to know ya!

As of this writing, our public website URL of www.neovictoria.net is pointing to this WordPress site [http://neovictoria.tv/].  The Flavors site [http://neovictoria.flavors.me/] will sunset in March.

Roleplay Homes

Effective February 2015, we moved to the CasperLet system. All new rentals and future payments should be made to that system. [We used to use the Alika Rental system; as current rentals expire on that server, their boxes will be deleted.]

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We don’t rent PRIMs in NeoLondon [NeoVictoria SIM]. We do rent ROLEPLAY homes in Machinima SIM!  To read all the information about rentals, visit the Rental Information page.