Fantasy Faire 2016

For the third year in a row, the NeoVictoria Project is proud to sponsor a SIM for Fantasy Faire.  This year, we’re sponsoring the Serenity SIM.

Built by Kaelis Ember and Aikeo Rieko, it promises to be an elvish fantasy.  “They say there are one thousand steps to the top of Serenity, an ancient city, every nook and cranny carved to perfection, smooth curves, beautiful terraces, stunning waterfalls, latticed windows. Built by ageless hands so many moons ago, they also say that those who ascend to the top of the city will discover something more valuable than gold, the knowledge we’re not alone in our fights.”

Fundraising for the fight against cancer.

Fantasy Faire 2016 is the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, roleplayers and performers in the virtual world. From Thursday, 21 April to Sunday, 3 May 2015, enjoy eleven days of shopping, live music, auctions, hunts and roleplaying!

Please visit the official Fantasy Faire website to learn more.